PT Surya Prima Bahtera (SPB) was founded by Mr. Oentoro Surya, a visionnaire in Indonesia Maritime Industry. Many shipowners are faced with difficulties in finding reliable ship repair yards in Indonesia to match the market demand, and this brought the initiative to start a Shipyard.
Having first started in 2007 with one Floating Dock, SPB is now in the midst of expanding by constructing an additional Graving Dock in order to serve the increasing customers’ demands to repair larger sized vessels. To meet these demands, SPB is continuously upgrading itself with innovation and excellent facilities, empowering highly dedicated and experienced personnel ,with the support of foreign expertise, to ensure that high standard operational service levels are constantly met.
Conveniently located in Batam, SPB has developed a strong purchasing network for immediate supply of materials and spare parts, technical support and logistic services. Our SPB Team strives to exceed all our customer's needs and requirements, and continuously works towards providing our customers with the most cost-effective and efficient solutions for the maintenance of their vessels.
We, PT Surya Prima Bahtera, aim to be your most reliable business partner serving your marine and offshore needs.
Yours Faithfully,
Founder - PT. Surya Prima Bahera
Jl. Hang Kesturi (Taiwan International Park)
Kampung Panau, Kabil - Batam 29467
Kepulauan Riau - Indonesia
Phone : +62 778 711755 (hunting)
Fax : +62 778 711855
Email :
Kepada Yth,
Di Tempat
Attn : Accounting / Finance / Legall
Perihal : Penerbitan Bank Garansi /Surety Bond Non Collateral
Dengan Hormat,
Dengan ini kami PT. JASA MULYA ABADI, Bermaksud mengajukan penawaran kerjasama penerbitan Bank Garansi Surety Bond dan yang mungkin diperlukan sebagai kelengkapan dokumen Lelang, dokumen Kontrak pada proyek-proyek yang dikerjakan oleh Perusahaan Bapak / Nasabah Bapak.
Jenis Jaminan yang dapat kami terbitkan adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Jaminan Penawaran ( Bid / Tender Bond )
2. Jaminan Pelaksanaan ( Performance Bond )
3. Jaminan Pembayaran Uang Muka (Advance Payment Bond)
4. Jaminan Pemeliharaan ( Maintenance Bond )
Penutupan Asuransi Kerugian Diantara nya : CAR, EAR, CARGO, MARINE HULL, FIRE INSURANCE, dll
Rekanan Bank (Bank Garansi ) :
1. Bank BTN (Persero)
2. Bank BNI (Persero)
3. Bank Mandiri (Persero)
4. Bank Syariah Bukopin
Untuk lebih Lanjut Hub : ROZI SASWAN Tlp. 0812 187 222 13
Demikian penawaran ini kami sampaikan dengan harapan kiranya kerjasama penerbitan Surety Bond dan Bank Garansi ini dapat terealisasikan, dan terima kasih atas kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada kami.
Hormat kami,
Jl. Mustika 1 No. 29 Sumur Batu, Kemayoran - Jakarta Pusat
Email :
Tlp. 021 4260719 (Hunting)
HP. 0812 187 222 13